Big Horn County Weed and Pest Control District

Public Land Treatments
The majority of Big Horn County is public land and is managed by Federal and State agencies. The District is heavily involved in cooperating with these agencies to manage designated and declared weeds and pests. Federal and State agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management, the Forest Service, the State of Wyoming, and the Game and Fish Department allocate funding to facilitate herbicide treatments on the properties they manage. On average, the District brings in between $100,000 - $300,000 worth of noxious weed treatments into Big Horn County from these agencies each year. These treatments are typically carried out by District crews or private contractors hired by the District. The treatments provided through this funding are a great benefit to all who utilize public land. Grazing allotment holders, hunters, anglers, and other recreationalists all benefit from healthy natural landscapes free from the detriments of noxious weed infestations. Controlling noxious weeds on public land also helps to protect bordering private land from noxious weed infestations that originate on public land.